You Can’t Beat the Benefits of Dental Veneers
So how do veneers benefit patients? So veneers, what they do basically is it’s basically a thin veneer over the surface of the tooth. Just like if you see a cabinet veneer, you know, a tooth – basically, we do the same thing to that. So oftentimes people have teeth that structurally are just fine. There’s really nothing wrong with them other than they don’t necessarily like the cosmetic appearance of them. Maybe they’re crooked, maybe they’re a color or a shade that they’re not necessarily happy with.
So if we have a patient who is otherwise healthy from a dental standpoint but not necessarily happy with the way that their teeth are shaped or aligned or the color, then we’re able to go in and lightly remove just a little bit of the surface of that tooth and create a cosmetic veneer that basically cements over the front of that. Through doing that, we’re able to come in and really just change the smile. We can take a smile that maybe is crooked or maybe is darkened and lighten it up and straighten it up relatively quickly to where the patient leaves with those veneers that day, and their smile is completely changed.
So we can take crooked smiles and make them straight, or maybe unattractive smiles from a shade standpoint and make them lighter. So veneers benefit patients in lots of ways through that.