We Can Fix That Nagging Tooth Pain with Root Canals
So oftentimes, and we see this an awful lot in the practice, patients come in and a tooth is just really, really bothering them. It’s either hurting an awful lot, it’s really, really hot and cold sensitive. It may be hurting when they bite down. And so what that points us to through a few different tests oftentimes is the fact that there’s just something wrong with the nerve inside of the tooth, and it’s not going to get better.
And so what we use to alleviate the pain and to really just get rid of it completely is root canal therapy. And what that allows us to do is basically go in and take the damaged part of the inside of the tooth out. And through doing that, the pain kind of goes with it. And so through removing the inflamed nerve inside of the tooth, we’re able to basically get rid of the offender, or what’s causing the pain. And oftentimes, those services can be provided the same day. And so a patient comes in really, really hurting, and they leave an hour later with a tooth that feels much, much better. And so root canal therapy is what allows us to get there.