Our Tooth Fillings Keep Teeth Strong & Beautiful
So fillings basically are done when a tooth has a cavity. So what we use fillings for is to go in and remove the decay from the tooth. So when a tooth has a cavity, the decay or the cavity that’s in there has to be removed, and when you remove it, it basically leaves a hole or a cavity there. And so what we do is take tooth-colored fillings here – we don’t use any silver fillings in the office, we strictly use tooth-colored fillings here – but what we do is remove the decay or the cavity from the tooth and go in and we bond those tooth-colored fillings in the space that was there. So what the tooth-colored filling does is it allows where there was maybe insufficient tooth structure or decay to tooth structure gets removed, and then the tooth-colored filling gets bonded in there. And so from that, you now have a whole solid tooth structure to either chew with, or if you’re talking about the front of the tooth cosmetically, then that changes the shape there.