Restorative Dentistry Can Fix a Wide Range of Problems
Restorative dentistry really encompasses a lot of different services that we would provide, whether it be missing teeth or a tooth is cracked or damaged. Restorative dentistry kind of fills in all those gaps. So if you’re missing a tooth, we may have the ability to put a bridge in there through restorative dentistry to replace the missing tooth. If there’s a cracked or damaged tooth, restorative dentistry allows us to put a crown on that tooth. If there’s a cavity in the tooth, through restorative dentistry, we can go in and put a tooth-colored filling in there to take the tooth that was unhealthy, and maybe it didn’t function properly, and then restore it to proper function.
And so when we talk about restorative dentistry, it really does, I mean, you could have cracked or damaged teeth, you could have missing teeth, you could have decayed teeth. And what restorative dentistry does is allow us to go in through the use of a lot of different services and restore that function to those teeth so that the patient can then either smile the way that they want to smile or able to chew the way that they need to chew. It just restores function, basically.