Make Dental Visits Easier with Our Sedation Options
Anxiety in the dental office is something that we see on a regular basis, and it’s something that oftentimes is really difficult to deal with and very real for the patient.
Here we want to make people as comfortable as possible when they come in, and so we have a couple of different options to do that. We can use (inaudible) in the office through a mask that relaxes the patient. That’s our first choice, but if that doesn’t provide sufficient sedation or comfort for the patient, we have another option.
Through oral sedation, we’re able to prescribe oral medication for the patient prior to the appointment that they take the night before and the day of as long as they have someone obviously to drive them to and from the appointment.
But through those two options, we’re able to alleviate a lot of the anxiety. And I also think that it’s great to have (inaudible), and it’s great to have oral medications to help with that, but a lot of communication really alleviates a lot of anxiety too.
So, we’re able to sit down, take the time, really find out where those fears are coming from, you know, try to talk the patient through what we’re fixing to do or getting ready to do: “How are you anxious about that?” And how can we discuss that to possibly alleviate some of that?