Count On Us For Emergency Dental Care

Dental emergencies can truly ruin your day– and can even cause long-term damage to your smile if they aren’t handled in a timely manner. You will not have to fret about either negative outcome if you call East Limestone Family Dental for emergency care. For the most part, we can give you a same-day visit. Whether or not Dr. Fitts sees you on the same day, you’ll discover:


  • Restorative dental care like crowns and fillings to repair broken teeth
  • Safe dental sedation, to keep you relaxed throughout any treatment
  • Massage chairs and other comforts to help you unwind
  • A dentist who has actually managed numerous emergencies in his years of practice
  • Advanced technology to rapidly identify and treat you, such as digital X-rays


You need to understand you can depend on your dentist, whether you require assistance in an emergency or just need general dental care like exams and cleanings to keep your smile in terrific shape. At East Limestone Family Dental, you’ll get superior service when you get:


  • Cosmetic Dentistry— Transform your smile’s appearance with dental veneers, teeth whitening treatments, tooth bonding, and more.
  • Restorative Dentistry— From minor decay to damaged teeth, Dr. Fitts can repair dental damage with crowns and fillings.
  • Dental Implants— When you replace teeth with implants, your smile will look, feel, and function like it did in the past– and even much better. You can pick instead to change teeth with dental bridges or dentures.
  • Tooth Removal— Your extractions will be as relaxed as possible, even wisdom teeth extractions.


Call East Limestone Family Dental right now at 256-229-3416 to visit an emergency dentist in Tanner, AL.